Monthly: September 2021

Turkey Eyes Economic Bonanza in Nagorno-Karabakh

As Armenia and Azerbaijan mark the one-year anniversary of the start of their campaign in the disputed Nagorno-Karabakh region, Baku is vowing to rebuild the region, and Turkish companies see an economic bonanza. Dorian Jones in Istanbul reports.

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London Policeman Sentenced to Life for Sarah Everard Murder

A London Metropolitan Police officer has been sentenced to life in prison without parole after pleading guilty in July to the murder of Sarah Everard, whose disappearance and death in March sparked nationwide grief and outrage.

Wayne Couzens confessed to abducting Everard on the evening of March 3, 2021, during a 50-minute walk home from her friend’s house in south London. Prosecutors said he falsely accused her of violating COVID-19 restrictions to lure her into his car.  

Everard’s body was discovered a week later near Ashford in County Kent, about 90 kilometers southeast of London.  

Following Couzen’s sentencing Thursday, Metropolitan Police Commissioner Cressida Dick told reporters she was “absolutely horrified” Couzens used his position as a police officer to deceive and coerce Everard into his vehicle. She said his actions were “a gross betrayal of everything policing stands for.” 


She said she knows for some, the bond of trust in the police has been damaged, but she pledged the police department’s dedication to the public remains undiminished.  

Sarah Everard’s disappearance caused a nationwide outcry in Britain, with thousands expressing grief and anger regarding the safety of women in London and elsewhere. Women also then began sharing experiences of being threatened or attacked – or simply facing the everyday fear of violence when walking alone.

The incident prompted British opposition Labour Party lawmaker Jess Phillips to pay tribute to the 118 women in Britain who have died at the hands of men over the last 12 months by reading their names aloud in Britain’s House of Commons.


Some information in this report came from the Associated Press, Reuters and Agence France-Presse.

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У Вірменії затримали колишнього міністра оборони

У цій же справі затримали керівника компанії-постачальника Давида Галстяна

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Правозахисники: у Білорусі затримали десятки людей за коментарі про стрілянину в Мінську

Затримання пов’язані з коментарями з приводу відеозапису стрілянини, в результаті якої, як стверджується, загинули 31-річний співробітник IT-компанії Андрій Зельцер і офіцер КДБ

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Заступником глави МЗС призначили Миколу Точицького

Микола Точицький раніше обіймав посаду представника України при Європейському Союзі

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Germany’s Political Parties Bargain to Determine Next Government

The wrangling over who will control Germany’s government has begun among the top four finishing parties following parliamentary elections.

The Social Democrats (SPD), led by Olaf Scholz, defeated outgoing Chancellor Angela Merkel’s Christian Democrats (CDU) 25.8% to 24.1%, handing the conservative party its worst ever defeat.  

But since neither party won enough votes to control the Bundestag – the lower house of parliament – they must work with the third-place finishers, the Green party, which received 14.8% of the vote, and fourth place finishers, the pro-business Free Democrats (FDP), which received 11.5%.

The Greens and FDP agreed Tuesday to meet with each other first before discussions with the SPD or CDU. A photo was released to the media showing Green party candidate Annalena Baerbock with FDP leader Christian Lindner.

While the two parties have some common ground, they have traditionally belonged to rival ideological camps and have different approaches to issues including the economy and fighting climate change.

During media briefings with reporters Wednesday, both parties said they have scheduled meetings with the SPD and CDU, as well another meeting with each other.  

But traditionally, the Greens have leaned more toward the SPD’s left-center politics, and the FDP has been more aligned with the more conservative CDU, and their leadership indicated Wednesday that may not have changed.

When asked which coalition his party preferred, FDP General Secretary Volker Wissing said, “Our preference was based on content and since the parties’ content has not changed, the preference of course remains the same.”

At her own news conference, while stressing they were meeting with all parties, the Green party leader Baerbock, said that since SPD was the winner of the election, it was important to meet with them first.  

The Green and FDP leaders said they scheduled talks with the two first-place finishing parties for this Saturday and Sunday, followed by deliberations with their own party membership.

Some information for this report came from the Associated Press, Reuters and Agence France-Presse.

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Runaway Former Nazi Concentration Camp Secretary Facing Trial is Found 

A former Nazi concentration camp secretary has been found in Germany after failing to appear in court for the beginning of her trial.

Irmgard Furchner is accused of assisting with the murder of 11,412 people when she was an 18-year-old typist at the Stutthof concentration camp in occupied Poland during World War II between 1943 and 1945.

Court spokesperson Frederike Milhoffer confirmed Thursday the 96-year-old Furchner had been found after leaving her home early and taking a taxi “to an unknown location.”

Milhoffer said an arrest warrant had been issued for Furchner and that a physician was assessing whether she is healthy enough for imprisonment.

Furchner’s trial could not begin in the far northern town of Itzehoe without her presence. Milhoffer said the next court hearing was scheduled for Oct. 19. 

Furchner is the latest nonagenarian to face charges of Holocaust crimes in what is perceived as an expedited approach by prosecutors to seize the final chances to seek justice for the victims of some of the worst mass murders in history.

About 65,000 people died in the concentration camp between 1939 and 1945 in the camp’s gas chamber or of starvation and disease. The victims were Jews caught up in the Nazi’s horrific extermination campaign and prisoners of war. 

(Information for this report comes from Reuters and AFP.)

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В ОАСК кажуть, що в них закінчилися гроші

«Така ситуація спричинила відтік кваліфікованих кадрів – за останні три місяці звільнились 13 працівників апарату суду»

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New Holographic Technology Provides Transportive Experience

A company in suburban Washington, D.C., is using cutting-edge technology to create lifelike video avatars to drop into music and training videos, games and other immersive environments. It’s an entry point to the so-called metaverse, as VOA’s Arzouma Kompaoré discovered while touring Avatar Dimension’s new studio.

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Експрезидента Франції Саркозі засудили до року домашнього арешту

Адвокат колишнього президента вже заявив, що той подасть апеляцію

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Сестра Кім Чен Ина увійшла до складу Державної ради, яка керує КНДР

У серпні 2020 року стало відомо, що Кім Чен Ин передав Кім Йо Чжон частину своїх обов’язків, фактично зробивши її другою особою в державі

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Зеленський передав Ердогану список із 450 українських в’язнів – Кулеба

Президент Туреччини Реджеп Ердоган 29 вересня в Сочі мав зустріч із російським лідером Володимиром Путіним

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Оголошено новий конкурс на посаду голови Національної служби здоров’я України

Наразі обов’язки голови НСЗУ тимчасово виконує Дмитро Самофалов

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Лідер КНДР заявив про бажання відновити контакти з Південною Кореєю

Кім, який відхилив неодноразові пропозиції США відновити переговори щодо ядерної програми країни без попередніх умов, сказав, що «ворожа політика» і «військові загрози» Вашингтона залишаються незмінними

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Італія у жовтні проведе саміт G20 по Афганістану

Нині міжнародні організації призупинили виплати Афганістану, щоб не допустити отримання ісламістським угрупованнмя доступу до грошей, призначених на допомогу

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Російських спортсменів хочуть зобов’язати платити за перехід до іноземних клубів

Суму компенсації, які будуть виплачувати молоді російські спортсмени, які виїхали за кордон, законопроєктом пропонується визначити окремо

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Росія: Мін’юст вніс до реєстру «іноагентів» «ОВД-Инфо», «Зону права» та «Медиазону»

Влітку Мін’юст Росії вніс до реєстру «іноземних агентів» кілька непідконтрольних Кремлю ЗМІ

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У МВС створять Офіс із питань захисту бізнесу, його координуватиме Антон Геращенко

За словами міністра, МВС має стати центром «підтримки і захисту бізнесу», що можливо лише за умови тісної співпраці міністерства, парламенту і підприємців

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В ОАСК заявили, що ВАКC не мав права штрафувати Вовка

«Зауважимо, що голова ОАСК неодноразово заявляв, що відповідно до закону, він не має статусу підозрюваного у справі щодо якої його нібито викликали», – кажуть у суді

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YouTube Will Ban All Content Containing What it Calls Vaccine Misinformation

YouTube will ban any video that claims vaccines are ineffective or dangerous, including those that question vaccines for measles and chickenpox, the company announced Wednesday.  

“Specifically, content that falsely alleges that approved vaccines are dangerous and cause chronic health effects, claims that vaccines do not reduce transmission or contraction of disease, or contains misinformation on the substances contained in vaccines will be removed,” the Google-owned company said in a blog post announcing the new enforcement measures.

The company said “vaccines in particular have been a source of fierce debate over the years, despite consistent guidance from health authorities about their effectiveness.”  

“Today, we’re expanding our medical misinformation policies on YouTube with new guidelines on currently administered vaccines that are approved and confirmed to be safe and effective by local health authorities and the WHO.”

The company said it “will continue to allow content about vaccine policies, new vaccine trials and historical vaccine successes or failures.”  

YouTube’s COVID-19 vaccine policy has met with some backlash for being overly aggressive.

On Tuesday, the company removed Russian state-backed broadcaster RT’s German-language channels, saying they violated the company’s COVID-19 policy.

On Wednesday, Russia threatened to block YouTube, calling the channel removals “unprecedented information aggression.”

YouTube said it has removed over 130,000 videos over the past year for violating its COVID-19 policies.

Some information in this report comes from Reuters.


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British Government to Use Army to Help Ease Fuel Trucker Shortage

Britain’s business minister said Wednesday the army would begin driving fuel tankers in response to shortages at gas stations around the nation brought on by a dearth of truck drivers.

For about a week now, a shortage of around 100,000 truck drivers in Britain has made it difficult for oil companies to get gasoline from refineries to fueling stations. The British Petrol Retailers Association (PRA) reported Wednesday that more than a third of the nation’s 8,500 gas stations remain without fuel.

The situation has left long lines of motorists trying to buy fuel at stations that did have gasoline.

Business Minister Kwasi Kwarteng told reporters they could expect to see soldiers driving tanker trucks to help get gasoline to the stations in a few days. He added that he felt the situation was stabilizing, noting that the inflow of gasoline matched sales on Tuesday. 

The situation had been exacerbated by panic buying among some motorists, but Kwarteng said people were “behaving quite responsibly” over the last day or so, and he encouraged them to continue buying fuel as they normally would.

The British business minister said Britain was not alone in facing a truck driver shortage. He said Poland is facing a shortage of about 123,000 drivers, and the United States is facing a similar situation. 

In a release on their website, the PRA reported “early signs that the crisis at pumps is ending,” with more of the association’s members reporting they are now receiving deliveries of fuel. 

They expect the percentage of stations without fuel is likely to improve further over the next 24 hours.

The driver shortage, however, is raising fears in Britain’s retail sector that if it continues much longer, it could create problems for the holiday season.

Some information for this report was provided by The Associated Press and Reuters. 

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Напруга зростає: між Косовом і Сербією триває прикордонне протистояння (фотогалерея)

Два пункти перетину кордону між Косовом і Сербією були заблоковані місцевими сербами, через те, що влада Косова 20 вересня зажадала від всіх водіїв із Сербії, які в’їжджають до Косова, використання тимчасових роздрукованих реєстраційних документів, дійсних протягом 60 днів.

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СБУ: російські куратори «намалювали» в ОРДЛО високу явку на виборах у Держдуму

За даними СБУ, автобуси, які возили так званих «виборців» з ОРДЛО на територію Росії, курсували напівпорожні, при цьому за документами у них було 100% завантаження місць

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Мер Запоріжжя йде у відставку

Заяву мера Запоріжжя про його відставку депутати міської ради мають розглянути і затвердити сьогодні на окремій позачерговій сесії

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