Monthly: September 2021

Росія: співзасновника однієї з найбільших компаній в сфері кібербезпеки заарештували за держзраду

За даними російського агентства ТАСС, бізнесмена підозрюють у співпраці з іноземною розвідкою, яка завдала «репутаційний і національний збиток» Росії

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Russia Threatens YouTube Block After RT TV’s German Channels Are Deleted

Russia threatened Wednesday to block Alphabet Inc.’s YouTube after Russian state-backed broadcaster RT’s German-language channels were deleted, and said it was considering retaliating against German media.

YouTube said on Tuesday that RT’s channels had breached its COVID-19 misinformation policy, a move Russia’s Foreign Ministry described as “unprecedented information aggression.”

Russian state communications regulator Roskomnadzor said it had written to Google and demanded the restrictions be lifted. It said Russia could seek to partially or fully restrict access to YouTube if it failed to comply.

Google declined to comment Wednesday.

The Kremlin said it may have to force YouTube to comply with Russian law, saying there could be zero tolerance for breaches.

“Of course there are signs that the laws of the Russian Federation have been broken, broken quite blatantly, because of course this involves censorship and obstructing the spread of information by the media,” Kremlin spokesperson Dmitry Peskov told reporters.

The foreign ministry said Russian authorities had been approached with “a proposal to develop and take retaliatory measures against the YouTube hosting service and the German media.”

Christian Mihr, executive director at Reporters Without Borders (RSF) Germany, said the threat of action against German journalists was “completely inappropriate.”

Moscow has increased pressure on foreign tech firms in the past year, fining social media companies for failing to delete content Russia deems illegal and punitively slowing down the speed of Twitter.

That pressure led Google and Apple to remove an anti-government tactical voting app from their stores on the first day of a parliamentary election earlier this month, Kremlin critics said.

Berlin denied an allegation by the Russian foreign ministry that YouTube’s decision had been made with clear and tacit support from the German authorities and local media.

“It is a decision by YouTube, based on rules created by YouTube. It is not a measure [taken by] the German government or other official organizations,” German government spokesperson Steffen Seibert told reporters.

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Польща заявила про рекордний наплив нелегальних мігрантів з Білорусі

Литва, Латвія та Польща запровадили надзвичайний стан у прилеглих до Білорусі регіонах

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Розслідування Bellingcat і CNN про отруєння російського політика Навального отримало премію «Еммі»

У грудні 2020 року розслідувачі з The Insider, Bellingcat і CNN за участю Der Spiegel дійшли висновку, що за отруєнням Навального може стояти група з восьми оперативників, пов’язаних з Інститутом криміналістики ФСБ

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Мінагрополітики анонсує запуск електронних аукціонів з продажу землі найближчим часом

За даними Мінагрополітики, раніше учасникам потрібно було бути на торгах фізично, тепер потрібен лише інтернет

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Massive North Sea Wind Farm Could Power Denmark, Neighbors

Weeks before a high-profile climate summit in Glasgow, Scotland, Danish officials are talking up an ambitious program to develop the world’s largest offshore wind energy complex, with the potential to provide enough green energy to power not just Denmark, but some of its neighbors as well. 

The complex, to sit on and around an artificial North Sea island about 80 km off Denmark’s coast, would span an area up to the size of 64 soccer fields and support thermal storage facilities, HVDC converters, a heliport, and a research and visitor center.

Energy Island Envisioned by Denmark

“You can have hundreds of wind turbines around this island,” said Dan Jorgensen, Denmark’s climate and energy minister, during a visit to Washington this month. His government calculates that the energy island could yield up to 10 gigawatts of electricity — enough for 10 million households. 

“Since we’re only 5.8 million people in Denmark, that’s far more electricity than we’ll need for ourselves, so we want to find other countries to be part of this,” Jorgensen said, adding that Denmark is in talks with other European countries. 

The 10-gigawatt estimate is at the high end of what might finally be built. Current planning allows for a range of from three to 10 gigawatts, according to Jorgensen. But even at the low end, the energy island would dwarf the largest existing offshore wind farm — Britain’s Walney Extension Offshore Wind Farm in the Irish Sea that has a capacity to generate 0.66 gigawatts and provide power to 600,000 homes. 

The world’s largest wind farm of any kind is a 10-gigawatt complex completed this summer and based in the northwestern Gansu province of China. The next largest of any kind is a 1.6-gigawatt wind farm in Jaisalmer, India. 

“It’s the biggest infrastructure investment in the history of my country, but we foresee it will be a good business model,” Jorgensen told VOA. 

“There will be some initial costs there, but we’re willing to bear them because this will also mean that we will get the project itself, but also the development know-how, the skills, and the expertise that we want.” 

The project is remarkable not just for its size but also for its innovative approach to some of the most difficult obstacles to weaning the world off fossil fuels. These include finding an effective way to store energy generated from wind turbines, and a way to transform the electricity into fuels to power transportation systems. 

Denmark’s plan is to transform the electricity into hydrogen, which can be used directly as an energy source or turned into fuels for use “in ships, planes and trucks,” as Jorgensen put it. 

“This sounds a bit like science fiction, but actually it’s just science; we know how to do it,” he said. 

While talks between the Danish government, industry, scientists and potential investors are still in the early stage, one decision has already been made, Jorgensen said. 

“We want at least 50.1% of the island to be publicly owned,” he said, calling the island “critical infrastructure because it’ll be such a huge part of our energy supply.” He added that the actual wind turbines will be owned by investors. 

“So far we have seen interest from Danish companies and investment funds; we’ve also seen interest from the governments of several European countries. We expect, of course, this will also mean interest from companies from other countries, definitely European, but probably also others.” 

Jacob F. Kirkegaard, a Danish economist based in Brussels, says the ambitious plan is plausible in light of Denmark’s track record in developing green energy. 

“There are already many days in which Denmark gets all its electrical power from wind energy, so rapid electrification is coming as are further rapid expansions of offshore wind farms,” he told VOA in an exchange of emails. 

He said he has “no doubt” that Denmark will achieve full decarbonization by 2050, “probably even considerably before” that date, thanks to broad public support, especially from the young. 

According to the Danish embassy in Washington, more than 50% of Denmark’s electrical grid is already powered by wind and solar energy, and the government projects that renewables will meet 100% of the nation’s electricity needs by 2028. 

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Переслідування активістів у Криму – до суду скеровано обвинувальні акти щодо двох суддів

Йдеться про незаконні постанови про визнання чотирьох активістів кримськотатарського національного руху правопорушниками

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New Technologies Aim to Reduce Carbon in Atmosphere

A bunch of new technologies are popping up that could help bring global energy-related carbon dioxide emissions to net-zero by 2050, and all need investment. Governments worldwide are having to decide which one suits their geography and how much they can spend on a given technology. More with VOA’s Mariama Diallo.

Produced by: Kimberlyn Weeks    

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Позачергові вибори мера Кривого Рогу можуть призначити на 27 березня 2022 року – «Слуга народу»

Мера Кривого Рогу Костянтина Павлова виявили мертвим на порозі його будинку 15 серпня

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У США чоловік за напад на співробітників газети отримав кілька довічних термінів

Цей напад вважається одним із найбільших на ЗМІ в історії США

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У Данії збираються продовжити заборону на розведення норок

Нинішня заборона, яка була запроваджена минулого року після того, як коронавірус поширився на кілька сотень норкових ферм, і спонукала уряд наказати вбити всіх норок у країні, діятиме до 2022 року.

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НАБУ та САП проводять обшуки у справі, пов’язаній зі «слугою» Куницьким – «Схеми»

НАБУ та САП проводять обшуки в офісі та в керівника групи компаній «Автоентерпрайз», яка пов’язана з нардепом Куницьким

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ПАРЄ затвердила кандидатуру російського судді у ЄСПЛ

Напередодні ПАРЄ відхилила українських кандидатів н апосаду судді ЄСПЛ після відповідної рекомендації комітету

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German Election: Olaf Scholz Narrow Favorite to Succeed Angela Merkel

It’s still not clear who will be the next leader of Germany, after Sunday’s election failed to give any party a ruling majority. Talks between rival parties over forming a coalition government are under way. As Henry Ridgwell reports, Olaf Scholz is the narrow favorite to take over from Angela Merkel as chancellor — but the outcome remains uncertain. 

Camera: Henry Ridgwell Produced by: Henry Ridgwell, Marcus Harton 


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«Скрутили руки, били по спині». Адвокат розповіла про насильство щодо фігуранта «справи Хізб ут-Тахрір»

Адвокат Ліля Гемеджі заявила, що в останній день перебування Газієва в лікарні, перед випискою, його повалили на підлогу, скрутили йому руки, били по спині і поголили бороду

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In Spain, the Push is on for Squatter’s Rights

The pandemic has made Spain’s affordable housing crisis worse and civil organizations are now pressuring the government to pass a housing law that includes making available vacant, foreclosed homes. The push is causing new friction between Spanish political factions and raising concerns among real estate investors. Jonathan Spier narrates this report by Alfonso Beato in Barcelona.

Camera: Alfonso Beato


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Єврокомісія запропонує візові обмеження для «людей, пов’язаних із білоруським режимом»

Рішення розглянуть 29 вересня

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Мін’юст передав три в’язниці на приватизацію – Малюська

Відомство пропонує купити Ковельську колонію, Івано-Франківську установа виконання покарань та Миколаївську виправну колонію

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Таліби заборонили жінкам відвідувати заняття в університеті Кабула

Керівник Кабульського університету не сказав, коли саме для жінок облаштують відповідне «ісламське середовище»

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У Офісі президента прокоментували статтю «Бабеля» про організацію форуму «Україна 30»

Представник ОП підкреслив, що на проведення форуму не витрачалися бюджетні кошти

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At Least 20 Injured in Swedish Apartment Building Explosion

Police and fire officials in Goteburg, Sweden say an explosion in an apartment building early Tuesday injured at least 20 people, some of them seriously, and investigators have ruled out a natural cause for the blast.

Emergency officials say they were alerted to the blast just before 5 a.m. local time in the Annedal district in central Goteborg, Sweden’s second-largest city. Fires spread to several units, and crews from the local fire department were still fighting the fires as of mid-morning.

Residents reported being awakened by the blast that shook the entire building, which takes up most of one city block. Witnesses say smoke filled the hallways and stairways, making it difficult to exit the building. Police and fire crews rescued many people, and others climbed onto balconies. At least one person was said to have jumped from the building.

News reports say at least 16 people were taken to the hospital for treatment. 

Investigators say the cause of the explosion is not known but a police spokesman told reporters a gas pipeline or other “natural” cause has been ruled out.

An official with the Goteburg rescue service told Swedish government broadcaster SVT the explosion appeared to have originated in the building’s inner courtyard, which had its entry gate blown away.

(Some information for this report comes from the Associated Press and Reuters.)


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Прем’єр-міністр Ізраїлю: Іран переступив усі ядерні «червоні лінії»

Нафталі Беннет наголосив, що упродовж останніх років ісламська республіка зробила «великий крок вперед» у здобутті технологій виробництва ядерної зброї та здатності збагачувати уран

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Через день після землетрусу на Криті зафіксували чергові підземні поштовхи

Найсильніший з десятків поштовхів зосередився за 22 кілометри на південний схід від Іракліона, столиці Криту

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Саакашвілі заявив про повернення до Грузії перед виборами, тамтешній прем’єр пообіцяв йому тюрму

Саакашвілі напередодні опублікував у фейсбуці фото електронного квитка, з якого випливає намір прилетіти в Грузію ввечері 2 жовтня

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