Daily: 05/10/2022

Elon Musk Says He’d Reinstate Trump’s Twitter Account

Elon Musk on Tuesday said he would reinstate former President Donald Trump’s Twitter account. 

The Tesla CEO who’s vying to buy Twitter and take it private for a reported price tag of $44 billion made the comment at the Financial Times Future of the Car conference. 

“I do think that it was not correct to ban Donald Trump,” Musk said. “I think that was a mistake because it alienated a large part of the country and did not ultimately result in Donald Trump not having a voice.”  

Musk added that Trump’s ban was “morally wrong and flat-out stupid.” 

Trump’s account was permanently banned after the January 6 riot at the U.S. Capitol, with Twitter saying his continued presence on the platform was a “risk of further incitement of violence.”  

Musk added that permanent bans should be “extremely rare” and reserved for “bots, or spam/scam accounts.”  

“Free speech is the bedrock of a functioning democracy, and Twitter is the digital town square where matters vital to the future of humanity are debated,” he said in a recent statement.  

Trump has said he does not intend to rejoin Twitter and will focus mostly on the social network he launched called Truth Social. 

Some information in this report comes from The Associated Press and Reuters. 


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Ankara Tightens Russian Access to Syria

Ankara is increasing pressure on Russia’s military presence in Syria with its decision to close its airspace until July to Russian civilian and military planes carrying troops to Syria.

Ankara gave no official reason for the move. While Ankara and Moscow back rival sides in the Syrian civil war, they have been cooperating in resolving the conflict.

Huseyin Bagci, head of the Turkish Foreign Policy Institute in Ankara, said the action comes as Turkey’s shared opposition with its western allies towards Russia’s invasion of Ukraine is the basis for Ankara to repair its strained relations with Washington and its NATO partners.

“It’s an important decision. Turkish-American relations improved dramatically in this respect. Probably the Americans bilaterally and NATO as an institution insisted upon it. Trying to close the increasing influence of Russia in Syria and in the Middle East in general. It’s, of course, not a decision the Russians would like to see,” Bagci said.

Turkish airspace offers the easiest route for Russian planes supplying its military bases in Syria, although there are alternatives. But, said Zaur Gasimov, a Russian expert at Bonn University, the closure of Turkish airspace will stoke fears in Moscow that Ankara is cooperating with Washington to cut off Russian supply routes to Syria.

“To maintain the airbase in Syria, of course, they fly over the Turkish airspace … . Still, Russia can use the airspace of Iraq and of Iran to reach their military bases in Syria,” Gasimov said. “It’s possible that Washington urges pressure on Baghdad to close its airspace.”

Russia’s supplying of its military forces in Syria is already complicated by Ankara’s decision to limit the use of Turkish waters by Russian warships based in the Black Sea under the international Montreux Convention. The convention allows Turkey to impose restrictions if a war occurs among Black Sea countries.

Until Ankara imposed the controls, Russian Black Sea ports were the main route supplying Russian forces in Syria, said Yoruk Isik, a geoanalyst of the Washington-based Middle Eastern Institute.

“Russia was using the Turkish straits to supply its campaign in Syria, and we used to see multiple ships in a week … ,” Isik said. “And now all those ships disappear. Only two ships pass in the entire last month. And we are talking about usually four or five ships were passing per week.”

Analysts note Moscow retains powerful leverage over Ankara, with Turkey heavily dependent on Russian energy. And any assault by Russian forces on Syrian rebels holed up on the Turkish border could trigger an exodus of refugees into Turkey.

But analyst Gasimov said the Ukrainian conflict has severely curtailed Russian influence.

“The room for Russian maneuvering vis-a-vis Ankara got very limited. Turkey is one of the countries which still didn’t join the anti-Russian sanctions,” Gasimov said. “It’s very important for Moscow to maintain the dialogue with those countries and not to augment the ranks and numbers of countries who join the sanctions.”

Moscow has refrained from publicly criticizing Ankara, with Kremlin spokesman Dimitri Peskov last month describing Turkish-Russian relations as excellent. However, analysts point out Moscow’s increasing international isolation is providing Ankara with a rare opportunity to turn the tables on Moscow in a relationship traditionally tilted in Russia’s favor.

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У ВООЗ зробили «рішучий крок» до ізоляції РФ від цивілізованого світу – Ляшко

«Це – ще один рішучий крок до ізоляції РФ від цивілізованого світу», – наголошує міністр охорони здоров’я України Віктор Ляшко

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Білорусь перевела сили спецоперацій до кордону з Україною

У Міноборони Білорусі оголосили про початок другого етапу перевірки сил швидкого реагування. Це сталося після зустрічі представників міністерства з Олександром Лукашенком.

Як повідомив начальник Генерального штабу збройних сил Білорусі Віктор Гулевич, в рамках цього етапу в Західний та Північно-Західний оперативні райони висунулися батальйонно-тактичні групи, а для їхнього посилення – частини ППО, ракетні війська та артилерія, які будуть забезпечувати їхню бойову роботу.

За словами Гулевича, підрозділи сил спеціальних операцій було перекинуто на трьох тактичних напрямках південного напрямку (до кордону з Україною – ред.).

Водночас Міноборони Білорусі оголосило про виклик 430 військових на військові збори територіальної оборони у Брестській та Гродненській областях.

Пояснюючи такі рішення, Віктор Гулевич заявив, що США та їхні союзники нібито нарощують військову присутність поблизу державних кордонів Білорусі.

4 травня після переговорів Олександра Лукашенка та президента Росії Володимира Путіна Міноборони Білорусі розпочало раптову перевірку сил реагування.

У Пентагоні 6 травня заявили, що наразі не бачать ознак того, що Білорусь має наміри брати активну участь у війні в Україні.

Попри заяви Олександра Лукашенка, що білоруська армія «не брала і не має наміру брати участі в «спецоперації» (так Росія називає своє військове вторгнення), за даними українських військових, обстріли території України російські війська здійснювали і з території Білорусі. Крім того, неодноразово фіксувалося пересування військ РФ по території Білорусі задля атаки України.

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Німеччина працює над тим, щоб Україна отримувала найсучасніше озброєння – Бербок

За її словами, Німеччина буде посилено підтримувати Україну

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Prince Charles Delivers Queen’s Speech for the First Time

Britain’s heir-to-the-throne Prince Charles and Prince William took center stage amid the pomp and pageantry of the opening of parliament on Tuesday, replacing the 96-year-old Queen Elizabeth who missed the grand set-piece event with health issues.

With the queen forced to withdraw for the first time in almost 60 years, Charles stepped in to read out the government’s legislative agenda at the Palace of Westminster, the first time he has taken on such a major constitutional duty.

The queen, the world’s oldest and longest-reigning monarch, has been absent from nearly all high-profile public events in recent months. She was forced to miss the speech due to a recurrence of mobility issues.

Charles, who had attended the opening of parliament alongside his mother in recent years, wore an admiral’s uniform to read out the agenda from a throne. While the queen would announce “My Government will,” Prince Charles said “Her majesty’s government will…”.

The State Opening of Parliament is an event of huge pomp and pageantry which traditionally sees the queen travelling to the assembly in a State Coach, escorted by mounted soldiers in ceremonial uniform, while the Imperial State Crown and other regalia travel ahead in a carriage of their own.

The ceremony, which occurs in spring or after a national election, embodies the centuries-old separation of power between the Crown, the elected House of Commons, the House of Lords and the judiciary.

The monarch dons the Robe of State before leading a procession to the upper chamber where she formally opens a new session of parliament, reading a speech written by the government outlining its legislative plans.

She reads the document in a formal and neutral tone to avoid any sense of approval or disapproval of the policies, an approach also taken by her son on Tuesday.

Charles, seated beside the queen’s crown and flanked by his eldest son William and his wife Camilla, delivered the speech to lawmakers and lords dressed in red ceremonial robes.

The queen has only missed the occasion twice during her 70-year reign – in 1959, and 1963, when she was pregnant with sons Andrew and Edward.

In order to authorize Charles and William to carry out the role on her behalf, the queen had to issue a ‘Letters Patent’. A palace source said no other functions had been delegated by Elizabeth.

The queen is next expected to be seen in public during four days of celebration in June to mark her Platinum Jubilee.

Buckingham Palace said last week she was planning to attend most major events during the celebrations but her presence would not be confirmed until on the day.

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У ЄС заявляють, що кібератаки РФ проти України можуть загрожувати безпеці Європи

У Європейському союзі заявляють, що російські кібератаки, спрямовані на Україну, можуть поширитися на інші країни та спричинити системні наслідки, що загрожують безпеці Європи. Про це йдеться в заяві Верховного представника ЄС із закордонних справ і безпекової політики Жозепа Борреля.

Євросоюз розглядає подальші кроки для запобігання, запобігання, стримування та реагування на таку шкідливу поведінку Росії у кіберпросторі.

ЄС засудив зловмисну кіберактивність Російської Федерації проти України, зокрема кібератаку, яка сталася за годину до військового вторгнення Росії в Україну 24 лютого 2022 року.

«Ця кібератака мала значний вплив, спричинивши невибіркові перебої в зв’язку та збої в роботі кількох державних органів, підприємств в Україні, а також вплинула на декілька держав-членів ЄС.Ця неприйнятна кібератака є ще одним прикладом тривалої моделі безвідповідальної поведінки Росії у кіберпросторі, яка також стала невід’ємною частиною її вторгнення в Україну», – йдеться у заяві Жозепа Борреля.

При цьому у Євросоюзі обіцяють і надалі надавати скоординовану політичну, фінансову та матеріальну підтримку Україні для посилення її кіберстійкості.

За даними СБУ, спецслужби Росії планували знищити весь кіберзахист України: у ніч на 24 лютого зафіксована найбільша кількість хакерських атак на українські системи.

Росія постійно заперечує звинувачення, пов’язані з кіберактивністю, включаючи твердження Києва про масштабні кібератаки в рамках «гібридної війни» проти України. 

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Литва визнала Росію державою-терористом

Cейм Литви також визнав війну Росії проти України геноцидом української нації

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СБУ: тіла військових РФ скидають на звалищах, вносячи їхні дані до списку зниклих

«Тіла складують на імпровізованих звалищах, де «двохсотих» так багато, що гори трупів досягають двох метрів заввишки»

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ГУР: у Росії починають змінювати свою пропаганду і готувати росіян до поразки

«Російським ЗМІ наказали розповідати про російсько-українську війну як про збройне протистояння РФ з усіма країнами Європейського союзу й НАТО»

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Biden Revives WWII-Era Lend-Lease Program on Russia’s Victory Day

The program will allow Ukraine to more efficiently request weapons against Russia, just as the Lend Lease Act of 1941 helped US allies defeat Nazi Germany

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US Consider Billions More in Ukraine Aid  

U.S. lawmakers could vote as soon as Tuesday on a bill authorizing at least $33 billion in military and humanitarian aid for Ukraine.

Ahead of the possible vote in the House of Representatives, President Joe Biden said his administration has “nearly exhausted” his authority to send weapons and other military equipment from Pentagon stockpiles.

Secretary of State Antony Blinken and Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin issued a similar appeal in a letter to lawmakers, urging them to act before May 19 when they expect the existing drawdown will run out.

Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell said Monday that while the new measure under consideration “may adjust some in the process,” he is focused on “getting it done quickly.”

Biden signed separate legislation Monday giving him new power to expedite the shipment of military equipment and supplies to Ukraine under a program modeled after a World War II law that originally assisted European countries fighting Nazi Germany

The new measure gives the U.S. leader the authority to reach quick agreements with Ukraine as well as other Eastern European countries for the shipment of the equipment, bypassing some of Washington’s current burdensome bureaucratic rules.

In a rarity for politically divided Washington, Congress overwhelmingly passed the legislation last month in a continuing show of support for the Kyiv government as it battles Russian forces.

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy said in a late Monday address that history will hold Russia responsible for its actions in Ukraine, and that Europe has to consider the price Russia should pay “for bringing the evil of total war to Europe again.”

“And we, Ukrainians, will continue to work toward our defense, our victory and on restoring justice. Today, tomorrow and any other day that is necessary to free Ukraine from the occupiers,” Zelenskyy said.

Putin blames west

Earlier Monday, Russian President Vladimir Putin blamed Western nations for his invasion of Ukraine, saying Russia acted in response to “an absolutely unacceptable threat next to our borders.”

But the longtime Russian leader did not announce any change in Moscow’s military campaign or declare victory, suggesting that his 10-week offensive would continue with attacks on Ukrainian strongholds in the eastern part of the country after Russia failed to topple Zelenskyy or capture the capital Kyiv.

Putin addressed a Red Square military parade in a Victory Day celebration commemorating the defeat of Germany in World War II. He spoke of Russia’s demands for security guarantees, which Russia made in the months ahead of its February 24 invasion even as it repeatedly insisted it had no plans to attack its neighbor.

Weeks ago, U.S. and NATO leaders met with Russian officials multiple times but rejected certain Russian demands, including a pledge that Ukraine would never join NATO.

“NATO countries did not want to listen to us, meaning that they in fact had entirely different plans, and we saw this,” Putin said Monday. “Openly, preparations were under way for another punitive operation in Donbas, the invasion of our historical lands, including Crimea.”

Zelenskyy likens Putin to Hitler

In a rebuke, Zelenskyy likened Putin to Adolf Hitler, saying the Russian leader’s war against Ukraine was “repeating the horrific crimes of Hitler’s regime today.”

Putin drew parallels between the Soviet forces of the Second World War and today’s Russian forces in Ukraine, falsely casting Ukraine as Nazi-controlled, even though Zelenskyy is Jewish. Putin uses that false narrative to characterize the invasion as an operation to “denazify” the country, something Ukrainians see as an effort to destroy their country and culture. Ukraine and its Western allies say Putin launched an unjustified and unprovoked war.

Putin acknowledged the loss of Russian military forces in his Ukraine offensive, saying the death of every soldier was a “grief for all of us” and promised government support for the families of the dead.

Ukrainian presidential adviser Mykhailo Podolyak said there was no rational reason for the war other than Russia’s “sick imperial ambitions.”

“NATO countries were not going to attack Russia,” Podolyak tweeted after the speech. “Ukraine did not plan to attack Crimea. The Russian military is dying, not defending their country, but trying to occupy another.”

NATO reinforced its eastern flank, adding troops and equipment in member states, as Russia massed troops along the Ukrainian border and eventually launched its attack. Individual countries have also sent military equipment and weapons to Ukraine, but NATO leaders have repeatedly said the alliance’s troops and planes would not enter Ukraine.

Some information for this story came from The Associated Press, Agence France-Press and Reuters.

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У Білому домі назвали абсурдними слова Путіна про причину вторгнення в Україну

«Припущення, що ця війна була викликана західною агресією або західними планами, є явно хибними та абсурдними»

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Санкції проти Росії вже шкодять її оборонній промисловості – Пентагон

За словами, високопоставленого чиновника Міністерства оборони США, РФ важко поповнювати запас високоточних керованих боєприпасів

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Democrats Want to Boost Biden Ukraine Aid Plan to Near $40B

Congressional Democrats are preparing a plan that would boost President Joe Biden’s requested $33 billion Ukraine aid package to nearly $40 billion, and a House vote is possible as soon as Tuesday, two people familiar with lawmakers’ thinking said.

In a retreat, Biden conceded that the package should not contain any of the additional billions he’s requested to combat COVID-19. Republicans, whose backing would be crucial to pushing legislation through the evenly divided Senate, have opposed adding that money to the Ukraine aid.

“We cannot afford delay in this vital war effort,” Biden said in a written statement. “Hence, I am prepared to accept that these two measures move separately, so that the Ukrainian aid bill can get to my desk right away.”

Biden said he has “nearly exhausted” his authority to continue shipping military aid to Ukraine, adding, “We are approximately 10 days from hitting this critical deadline.”

Democrats have already offered their latest proposal to the GOP.

“I’m focused on getting it done without extraneous matters on it, and getting it done quickly,” Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell, a Republican from Kentucky, said of the proposal. He said the measure “may adjust some in the process.”

Details of the measure were described Monday by people who could speak only on condition of anonymity because they were not authorized to discuss it publicly. Biden’s statement provided no details, saying, “Congress is likely to pass it in substantially the form I proposed.”

Democrats’ movement on the proposal comes with Russia’s invasion of Ukraine in its 11th week and showing signs of becoming a grinding, long-term war. Heavy fighting in Ukraine’s eastern and southern areas is causing widespread damage and significant losses on both sides, and the Russian offensive is showing few signs of progress.

Still, U.S. officials in and out of Congress have stressed that it will be critical to continue speeding assistance to Ukraine, whose forces are outnumbered.

Emphasizing the urgency facing U.S. officials, Pentagon press secretary John Kirby said the Pentagon’s ability to send weapons systems and other equipment from Defense Department stockpiles to Ukraine will run out in about three weeks. The Pentagon currently has about $100 million in drawdown authority left from a $13.6 billion Ukraine aid measure enacted in March.

“Which is why we encourage Congress to act quickly,” Kirby told reporters at the Pentagon. He said the Pentagon would like “no interruption” in its ability to send Ukraine weapons and other equipment.

While Democrats say more spending to combat COVID-19 is also crucial, their plan to seek votes on a package omitting those funds underscores their thinking that rushing assistance to Ukraine is their top priority. A push for a separate pandemic measure would come later, Democrats say.

The officials said Democrats’ Ukraine measure would include $3.4 billion more than Biden had requested for defense spending and another $3.4 billion over what the president sought for humanitarian aid.

Biden’s request, which he sent Congress on April 28, asked for $20 billion for defense spending for Ukraine, the U.S. and their allies. It also requested $3 billion for humanitarian assistance, including to help feed people around the world who rely on grains and other food from war-racked Ukraine.

Backed by Democrats, Biden has asked Congress for another $22.5 billion to buy vaccines, treatments and tests to better prepare the country for future COVID-19 variants and help staunch the virus’ spread in poor countries abroad. In a deal with Republicans, Democrats agreed last month to slice that request to $10 billion, but the compromise was derailed over other disagreements.

With elections approaching and the public tiring of dealing with the pandemic, Republican support for added COVID-19 spending has flagged. Democrats hoped wrapping the pandemic money into the widely popular Ukraine measure would ease approval of the COVID-19 funds.

In his statement, Biden said Congress should send him the Ukraine funds “in the next few days. And then, I urge Congress to move promptly on the COVID funding bill.”

Unwilling to slow the Ukraine package, Republicans also want to keep the pandemic spending separate so they can use that measure for a fight over immigration that could damage Democrats.

The GOP wants to force a vote on a proposal to continue curbs on admitting migrants crossing the Mexican border for fear of spreading the pandemic, restrictions imposed by former President Donald Trump.

With increases in border crossings expected soon, that proposal divides Democrats, with many reluctant to back Biden in ending those restrictions later this month.

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Finland and Sweden Aim for NATO Membership, Prompting Russia’s Fury

Both countries say Russia’s nuclear threats require collective self-defense, upending decades of nonaligned status

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Вселенський патріархат визнав православну церкву Македонії під назвою Охридська архієпископія

При цьому Вселенський патріархат виключає термін «Македонська» та будь-які похідні від нього

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Комітет Пулітцерівської премії присудив спеціальну відзнаку журналістам України

Медійна спільнота України отримує нагороду за «хоробрість, стійкість та відданість правдивому висвітленню під час безжального вторгнення Путіна»

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US Suspends Ukrainian Steel Tariffs for a Year

The U.S. on Monday suspended 232 tariffs on Ukrainian steel for a year, in a new attempt to boost the war-torn country’s economy. 

“We can’t just admire the fortitude and spirit of the Ukrainian people — we need to have their backs and support one of the most important industries to Ukraine’s economic well-being,” U.S. Commerce Secretary Gina Raimondo said in announcing the tariff rollback. 

“For steel mills to continue as an economic lifeline for the people of Ukraine, they must be able to export their steel,” she said. 

But how much the tariff curb might help Ukraine’s economy was not immediately clear. The U.S. is the world’s biggest steel importer, but Ukraine was not among the top 10 national exporters to the U.S. in 2019, according to a government report. 

The U.S. said the Ukrainian steel industry employs one in 13 workers in the country, but that the country’s steel plants have been among the hardest hit targets during Russia’s invasion of the country, including the massive Azovstal plant in the port city of Mariupol. 

Despite the devastation halting operations at the steel plants, the U.S. said some of the factories have continued to pay, feed and shelter their workers. Some of the steel plants have reopened even with fighting nearby.

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