Daily: 09/28/2021

ПАРЄ затвердила кандидатуру російського судді у ЄСПЛ

Напередодні ПАРЄ відхилила українських кандидатів н апосаду судді ЄСПЛ після відповідної рекомендації комітету

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German Election: Olaf Scholz Narrow Favorite to Succeed Angela Merkel

It’s still not clear who will be the next leader of Germany, after Sunday’s election failed to give any party a ruling majority. Talks between rival parties over forming a coalition government are under way. As Henry Ridgwell reports, Olaf Scholz is the narrow favorite to take over from Angela Merkel as chancellor — but the outcome remains uncertain. 

Camera: Henry Ridgwell Produced by: Henry Ridgwell, Marcus Harton 


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«Скрутили руки, били по спині». Адвокат розповіла про насильство щодо фігуранта «справи Хізб ут-Тахрір»

Адвокат Ліля Гемеджі заявила, що в останній день перебування Газієва в лікарні, перед випискою, його повалили на підлогу, скрутили йому руки, били по спині і поголили бороду

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In Spain, the Push is on for Squatter’s Rights

The pandemic has made Spain’s affordable housing crisis worse and civil organizations are now pressuring the government to pass a housing law that includes making available vacant, foreclosed homes. The push is causing new friction between Spanish political factions and raising concerns among real estate investors. Jonathan Spier narrates this report by Alfonso Beato in Barcelona.

Camera: Alfonso Beato


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Єврокомісія запропонує візові обмеження для «людей, пов’язаних із білоруським режимом»

Рішення розглянуть 29 вересня

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Мін’юст передав три в’язниці на приватизацію – Малюська

Відомство пропонує купити Ковельську колонію, Івано-Франківську установа виконання покарань та Миколаївську виправну колонію

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Таліби заборонили жінкам відвідувати заняття в університеті Кабула

Керівник Кабульського університету не сказав, коли саме для жінок облаштують відповідне «ісламське середовище»

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У Офісі президента прокоментували статтю «Бабеля» про організацію форуму «Україна 30»

Представник ОП підкреслив, що на проведення форуму не витрачалися бюджетні кошти

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At Least 20 Injured in Swedish Apartment Building Explosion

Police and fire officials in Goteburg, Sweden say an explosion in an apartment building early Tuesday injured at least 20 people, some of them seriously, and investigators have ruled out a natural cause for the blast.

Emergency officials say they were alerted to the blast just before 5 a.m. local time in the Annedal district in central Goteborg, Sweden’s second-largest city. Fires spread to several units, and crews from the local fire department were still fighting the fires as of mid-morning.

Residents reported being awakened by the blast that shook the entire building, which takes up most of one city block. Witnesses say smoke filled the hallways and stairways, making it difficult to exit the building. Police and fire crews rescued many people, and others climbed onto balconies. At least one person was said to have jumped from the building.

News reports say at least 16 people were taken to the hospital for treatment. 

Investigators say the cause of the explosion is not known but a police spokesman told reporters a gas pipeline or other “natural” cause has been ruled out.

An official with the Goteburg rescue service told Swedish government broadcaster SVT the explosion appeared to have originated in the building’s inner courtyard, which had its entry gate blown away.

(Some information for this report comes from the Associated Press and Reuters.)


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Прем’єр-міністр Ізраїлю: Іран переступив усі ядерні «червоні лінії»

Нафталі Беннет наголосив, що упродовж останніх років ісламська республіка зробила «великий крок вперед» у здобутті технологій виробництва ядерної зброї та здатності збагачувати уран

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Через день після землетрусу на Криті зафіксували чергові підземні поштовхи

Найсильніший з десятків поштовхів зосередився за 22 кілометри на південний схід від Іракліона, столиці Криту

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Саакашвілі заявив про повернення до Грузії перед виборами, тамтешній прем’єр пообіцяв йому тюрму

Саакашвілі напередодні опублікував у фейсбуці фото електронного квитка, з якого випливає намір прилетіти в Грузію ввечері 2 жовтня

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З початку доби на Донбасі поранені двоє бійців ЗСУ – штаб

За даними штабу, військовослужбовці ЗСУ «відкривали адекватний вогонь у відповідь, чим змусили противника припинити обстріли»

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КНДР здійснила запуск у море – Південна Корея каже, що не розпізнала вид снаряду

Резолюції Ради безпеки ООН забороняють Північній Кореї розробляти або випробовувати балістичні ракети

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Кількість вбивств у США торік збільшилася на 30% – ФБР

Експерти не розуміють, що стоїть за раптовим сплеском, можливі пояснення – економічні та соціальні труднощі під час пандемії COVID-19 і зростання продажів зброї

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Britain Warns Citizens of Hong Kong Extradition Threat

Concerns are growing over the reach of the national security law that China imposed on Hong Kong as Britain warned several of its citizens that they could face arrest and extradition to the former British colony. 

China passed the national security law in June 2020 in response to months of anti-government protests in Hong Kong. Beijing claimed the law was necessary to restore order to the territory and, in its words, “protect people’s rights.” Critics say the law curtails basic democratic freedoms and is aimed at suppressing political opposition. Over 140 people have been arrested under the legislation since it was introduced, including opposition lawmakers, activists, journalists and media executives.


Among those arrested was opposition activist Andy Li, who was charged with foreign collusion in 2020 after allegedly lobbying foreign governments to impose sanctions on Hong Kong and China.

Several British citizens were named in the court papers relating to Li’s case. Earlier this month, the British government contacted them to warn they could face arrest and extradition to Hong Kong if they traveled to any country that had an extradition agreement with the Chinese territory.

U.S.-born British citizen Bill Browder was among at least five people contacted by the British Foreign Office. He has successfully campaigned in several countries for Magnitsky sanctions against human rights abusers, named after his lawyer Sergei Magnitsky, who died in a Russian jail in 2009.

Browder told VOA Monday that his involvement stemmed from that lobbying. “Specifically, my name was mentioned because I was having discussions with various people about Magnitsky sanctions against the Hong Kong officials who were involved in this suppression of democracy,” he said. “After alerting me to my name being in the document, the (British) Foreign Office officials pointed out to me that the Chinese national security law doesn’t just apply domestically to residents of Hong Kong; it applies to anyone, anywhere in the world. And I guess the point of their reach out was to alert me to that fact and to the possibility that I may be subject to some type of persecution myself from the Chinese authorities for being involved in these discussions.”

Browder has already faced several attempts by Russia to have him arrested and extradited on fraud charges through Interpol, the global agency that communicates arrest warrants between police forces. Browder says those charges are clearly politically motivated, but he is, nevertheless, limited as to where he can travel.

“I basically contain my travel to what I describe as ‘rule of law’ countries. So, for example, I won’t travel to South Africa, even though I actually own a home in South Africa, because it’s not really considered to be a rule of law country, whereas I would travel to Germany regardless of what treaties they have because I know that a court will not hand me over to Russians or Chinese on politically motivated cases,” Browder said.

China has not commented on the British government’s warnings. More than a dozen countries have extradition agreements with Hong Kong, including India, South Africa and Portugal. Several countries, however, tore up their extradition treaties with Hong Kong following the introduction of the national security law. These include Britain, the United States, Australia, Germany and France.


British pro-democracy activist Luke de Pulford, who had also been named in the Hong Kong court papers relating to the prosecution of Andy Li, was approached by the British Foreign Office last week. He told VOA that Britain should stand up to Beijing.

“It’s a really sad indictment and reflection on the U.K.’s cowering before China. We’re now in a situation that having failed to honor their promises to the people of Hong Kong, the U.K. is telling people that they can’t go to third countries because they might end up in prison. They might be extradited to China,” de Pulford recently told VOA.

Under the 1984 Sino-British Joint Declaration signed between Britain and China before the 1997 handover of Hong Kong, Beijing promised to maintain the territory’s autonomy under the so-called Basic Law and the principle of “one country, two systems.”

In a statement, the British government told VOA: “The UK will not look the other way on Hong Kong, and we will not duck our historic responsibilities to its people. As a co-signatory to the Joint Declaration, we will continue to stand up for the people of Hong Kong, to call out the violation of their freedoms, and to hold China to their international obligations.”

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У Росії визнали «небажаною» міжнародну організацію спостерігачів за виборами

Приводом для ухвалення цього рішення стало те, що «діяльність ENEMO представляє загрозу основам конституційного ладу і безпеки Російської Федерації», мовиться на сайті російської Генпрокуратури

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Денісова повідомила про погіршення стану здоров’я кримського політв’язня Яцкіна

Денісова звернулася до уповноваженого з прав людини у Росії Тетяни Москалькової з вимогою провести повне обстеження Яцкіна у кваліфікованому медзакладі та надати йому відповідний комплекс лікування

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ПАРЄ відхилила список кандидатів від України на посаду судді ЄСПЛ – Гончаренко

Раніше комітет ПАРЄ з відбору суддів оцінив список від України та рекомендував відхилити його

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Facebook Puts Instagram Kids Project on Hold

Facebook is putting its Instagram Kids project on hold amid growing concerns about potential harmful effects on young people, including anxiety and depression.

The idea is to provide youngsters with the Instagram social media experience but with no ads, more parental control and age-appropriate content.

U.S. lawmakers and advocacy groups have urged Facebook to scrap the plan entirely for safety concerns.

“Today is a watershed moment for the growing tech accountability movement and a great day for anyone who believes that children’s wellbeing should come before Big Tech’s profits,” said Josh Golin, executive director of Fairplay, an advocacy group focused on children.

“We commend Facebook for listening to the many voices who have loudly and consistently told them that Instagram Youth will result in significant harms to children.”

Golin vowed to continue fighting against Instagram Kids “until they permanently pull the plug.”

While Instagram Kids would require parental permission to join, the company said it was putting the idea on pause to “continue to build opt-in parental supervision tools for teens,” the company said in a blog post.

“We’ll continue our work to allow parents to oversee their children’s accounts by expanding these tools to teen accounts (aged 13 and over) on Instagram.” 

The company said the reality is that kids are online and that a product like Instagram Kids would be “better for parents.”

Earlier this month, the Wall Street Journal reported internal Facebook documents showed the company knows Instagram can have harmful effects on teens, particularly girls. According to the Journal, Facebook has done little to address the issue.

Facebook called the report inaccurate.

(Some information in this report comes from Reuters.) 

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5.8 Quake Hits Crete, Killing One

A magnitude 5.8 earthquake rocked the Greek island of Crete Monday morning, leaving at least one person dead and several injured.

Across the island, people were reportedly seen running out of buildings and homes, while many older buildings suffered damage.

“The earthquake was strong and was long in duration,” Heraklion Mayor Vassilis Lambrinos told private Antenna television.

Greek authorities dispatched civil engineers around the island to assess damage.

“We are urging people who live in damaged older buildings to remain outdoors. One aftershock can cause a collapse,” seismologist Efthimios Lekkas, who heads Greece’s Earthquake Planning and Protection Organization, told The Associated Press. “We are talking about structures built before 1970. Structures built after 1985 are built to a higher standard that can withstand the effect of an earthquake.”

Crete is a popular tourist destination, and according to reports, the quake did not disrupt international flights to Heraklion, nor did it cause serious damage to hotels.

The only known fatality was in the town of Arkalochori, which is about 30 kilometers outside of Heraklion. A man was reportedly working on the renovation of a chapel when the dome caved in.

Some information in this report comes from Reuters and The Associated Press.

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