Daily: 05/19/2019

Президент звільнив голову адміністрації й інших посадовців

Президент України Петро Порошенко продовжив звільняти з посад представників своєї адміністрації напередодні передачі влади.

Останніми наразі указами він звільнив із займаних посад голову своєї адміністрації Ігоря Райніна і його заступника Сергія Марченка.

Також Євген Марчук увільнений від виконання обов’язків представляти Україну у Тристоронній контактній групі з мирного врегулювання ситуації в Донецькій і Луганській областях.

На цьогорічних президентських виборах виграв комік Володимир Зеленський. Він має перебрати посаду президента 20 травня.

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Порошенко виступив зі зверненням до українців і майбутньої влади

«Демократію ми зберегли навіть в умовах російської агресії»

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Trump Assails Republican Lawmaker Who Called for Impeachment

U.S. President Donald Trump on Sunday assailed Congressman Justin Amash as “a total lightweight” after the Michigan lawmaker became the first Republican to call for Trump’s impeachment.

The U.S. leader said he was “never a fan” of the five-term member of the House of Representatives, claiming he “opposes me and some of our great Republican ideas and policies just for the sake of getting his name out there through controversy.”

Trump said Amash “is a loser who sadly plays right into our opponents hands!”

Amash, echoing numerous Democratic lawmakers, claimed that Trump “engaged in impeachable conduct” by attempting to obstruct special counsel Robert Mueller’s 22-month investigation into Russian meddling in the 2016 U.S. presidential election.

Some Democratic lawmakers in the House have called for Trump’s impeachment, although House Speaker Nancy Pelosi has not given her approval for the start of any impeachment hearings, while leaving open the possibility as several House committees conduct new investigations of Trump’s business affairs, taxes and his more than two-year tenure in the White House.

Trump has vowed to fight all efforts at subpoenas for information about his conduct and administration policies. Some of the disputes about access to Trump and White House records are already being fought in legal battles, with more likely to come.

Mueller concluded that Trump and his campaign did not collude with Russia to help him win the election, but said it could not reach a decision on whether he obstructed justice. Subsequently, Attorney General William Barr and Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein decided obstruction charges were not warranted against Trump.

Amash, after reading the Mueller report, contended in a string of Twitter comments on Saturday that Barr “has deliberately misrepresented Mueller’s report,” saying that Barr “intended to mislead the public” about Mueller’s findings.

Amash said, “Contrary to Barr’s portrayal, Mueller’s report reveals that President Trump engaged in specific actions and a pattern of behavior that meet the threshold for impeachment. In fact, Mueller’s report identifies multiple examples of conduct satisfying all the elements of obstruction of justice, and undoubtedly any person who is not the president of the United States would be indicted based on such evidence.”

A long-standing Justice Department policy says that sitting U.S. presidents cannot be charged with criminal offenses, but can be charged after they leave office.

Amash said, “Impeachment, which is a special form of indictment, does not even require probable cause that a crime [e.g., obstruction of justice] has been committed; it simply requires a finding that an official has engaged in careless, abusive, corrupt, or otherwise dishonorable conduct.”

The congressman said that he thinks “few members of Congress” have read the Mueller report and that “their minds were made up based on partisan affiliation.”

Senator Mitt Romney, a Utah Republican and sometimes Trump critic, told CNN on Sunday that he thinks Amash’s stance was “a courageous statement,” but said that while he was “troubled” by Trump’s conduct as described in the Mueller report, he does not think it rose to the level of the need for impeachment.

Even if the Democratic-controlled House impeached Trump, the Republican-controlled Senate would almost certainly reject removing Trump from office. Romney said, “The Senate is certainly not there yet.”

Trump said that if Amash “actually read the biased Mueller Report, ‘composed’ by 18 Angry Dems who hated Trump, he would see that it was nevertheless strong on NO COLLUSION and, ultimately, NO OBSTRUCTION… Anyway, how do you Obstruct when there is no crime and, in fact, the crimes were committed by the other side?”






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До відома прибічників ЗК-команди: убивця Лозінський купив зняття судимості і йде в депутати

Убивця Лозінський

Дніпровський районний суд міста Києва достроково зняв судимість з колишнього депутата Верховної Ради Віктора Лозінського, який був засуджений за вбивство жителя Кіровоградської області Валерія Олійника. За інформацією з достовірних джерел, убивця Лозінський готується стати депутатом Верховної Ради України!!!!!

Згідно з інформацією, Лозінський звернувся до суду із заявою-проханням, зняти судимість за вироком Дніпровського районного суду Києва від 20 квітня 2011 року, зміненого ухвалою Апеляційного суду Києва від 26 березня 2012 року та постановою Вищого спеціалізованого суду з розгляду цивільних кримінальних справ від 1 березня 2013 року.

Лозінський зазначив, що хоч чинним законодавством забороняється дострокове зняття судимості з осіб, засуджених за тяжкі злочини, але він не може підпадати під цю норму, оскільки вона не має зворотної дії у часі була прийнята пізніше, ніж він отримав вирок суду.

Сторона обвинувачення заперечувала задоволення клопотання про зняття судимості, посилаючись на необґрунтованість і відсутність підстав для дострокового звільнення.

Водночас, суд заявив, що з моменту його звільнення з колонії пройшло близько 3 років, і відповідно до норм раніше чинного законодавства, чоловік відбув більш ніж половину необхідного терміну (6 років) для розгляду питання про зняття судимості.

Також суд додав, що Віктор Лозінський після звільнення з квітня 2016 року займався створенням нових підприємств у сфері сільського господарства та займався благодійністю, надаючи допомогу освітнім, спортивним і дитячим установам, релігійним громадам, сім’ям загиблих в зоні АТО й у війні в Афганістані, а також надавав матеріальну допомогу ветеранським організаціям району.

Відтак, такі обставини, на думку суду, дають підстави вважати, що засуджений, після відбуття покарання у вигляді позбавлення волі, своєю зразковою поведінкою і сумлінним ставленням довів своє виправлення.

“Суд вважає за можливе зняти з особи судимість за вироком Дніпровського районного суду м.Києва від 20 квітня 2011 року, зміненого ухвалою Апеляційного суду м.Києва від 26.03.2012 року та ухвалою Вищого спеціалізованого суду України з розгляду цивільних і кримінальних справ від 01 березня 2013 року”, — йдеться в ухвалі суду.

Нагадаємо, 20 квітня 2011 року Дніпровський райсуд Києва засудив Лозінського до 15 років позбавлення волі за вбивство громадянина Валерія Олійника у мисливських угіддях у Голованівському районі Кіровоградської області 16 червня 2009 року.

9 квітня 2012 Апеляційний суд м.Києва пом’якшив вирок Лозінському, і зменшивши термін покарання до 14 років. У березні 2013 року Вищий спеціалізований суд з цивільних і кримінальних справах переглянув справу Лозінського.

Суд перекваліфікував статтю звинувачення з умисного вбивства на заподіяння тяжких тілесних ушкоджень і призначив нове покарання у вигляді 10 років позбавлення волі.

А 6 квітня 2016 року, колишній народний депутат Віктор Лозінський вийшов на волю, покинувши територію Бориспільської колонії.

Мережа Правди

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Ну що любителі ЗК-команди дочекалися? “Б*ядина Януковича” Портнов уже в Україні, скоро приїдуть інші кровосісі


Повернення в Україну скандального екс-заступника глави адміністрації президента Януковича Андрія Портнова не на жарт розлютило користувачів соціальних мереж.

Зокрема, раніше на своєму каналі в мережі Портнов показав фото, на якому він стоїть біля терміналу аеропорту “Бориспіль”. Також він натякнув на своє швидке повернення в політику.

“Настав час вертатися, будувати і відновлювати”, – заявив він.

Втім, його приїзду явно не зраділи в мережі.

Коментуючи подію, економіст Сергій Фурса пов’язав повернення Портнова з достроковими парламентськими виборами.

“Ну, тепер буде кому скласти указ про розпуск парламенту. Епоха професіоналів”, – саркастично зауважив аналітик.

Блогер Іван Оберемко неприємно відгукнувся про Портнова, зв’язавши його появу з перевіркою Зеленського на “мінімальну відвертість”.

“Бл**іна Януковича Портнов повернувся, і це перша реальна перевірка Зеленського”, – написав журналіст.

Екс-учасник війни на Донбасі Павло Тука натякнув, що “активній меншості” може не сподобатися візит Портнова.

“Більша частина звичайно знову все проковтне, в цьому немає сумнівів, а ось як буде реагувати активна меншість … час покаже”, – вважає Тука.

Мережа Правди

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На «Євробачення-2020» претендують чотири голландських міста

Намір організувати та провести пісенний конкрс «Євробачення» у 2020 році заявили одразу чотири голландських міста, повідомляє агенція France-Presse. Серед претендентів – Амстердам, Роттердам, Гаага та Маастрихт.

У цьогорічному пісенному конкурсі «Євробачення» за сукупними результатами голосування журі та глядачів переміг нідерландський співак Дункан Лоренс.


Результат виявився доволі несподіваним, тому що за голосуванням журі лідирував шведський конкурсант, який майже до останнього моменту змагався за голоси з виконавицею з Північної Македонії.

Фінал конкурсу відбувся 18 травня у Тель-Авіві, Ізраїль.

Букмекерські компанії вважали фаворитами фіналу пісенного конкурсу «Євробачення-2019» представника Нідерландів Дункана Лоренса із піснею «Arcade» і представницю Австралії Кейт Міллер-Хейдке з піснею «Zero Gravity».

Із території України проголосувати за учасників «Євробачення» було неможливо, бо цього року Україна не брала участі в конкурсі.

Конкурс «Євробачення» вперше провели 1956 року з метою об’єднання Європи після Другої світової війни.

Нині він має глобальну аудиторію в близько 200 мільйонів людей.

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Jimmy Carter Finds Renaissance in 2020 Democratic Scramble

Former President Jimmy Carter carved an unlikely path to the White House in 1976 and endured humbling defeat after one term. Now, six administrations later, the longest-living chief executive in American history is re-emerging from political obscurity at age 94 to win over his fellow Democrats once again.

A peanut farmer turned politician then worldwide humanitarian, Carter is carving out a unique role as several Democratic candidates look to his family-run campaign after the Watergate scandal as the roadmap for toppling President Donald Trump in 2020.

“Jimmy Carter is a decent, well-meaning person, someone who people are talking about again given the time that we are in,” Minnesota Sen. Amy Klobuchar said in an interview. “He won because he worked so hard, and he had a message of truth and honesty. I think about him all the time.”

Klobuchar is one of at least three presidential hopefuls who’ve ventured to the tiny town of Plains, Georgia, to meet with Carter and his wife, Rosalynn, who is 91. New Jersey Sen. Cory Booker and Mayor Pete Buttigieg of South Bend, Indiana, also have visited with the Carters, including attending the former president’s Sunday School lesson in Plains.

Carter had planned to teach at Maranatha Baptist Church again Sunday, but he is still recuperating at home days after being discharged from a Georgia hospital where he had hip replacement surgery following a fall as he was preparing for a turkey hunt.

“An extraordinary person,” Buttigieg told reporters after meeting Carter. “A guiding light and inspiration,” Booker said in a statement.  Klobuchar has attended Carter’s church lesson, as well, and says she emails with him occasionally. “He signs them ‘JC,”‘ she said with a laugh.

It’s quite a turnabout for a man who largely receded from party politics after his presidency, often without being missed by his party’s leaders in Washington, where he was an outsider even as a White House resident.

To be sure, more 2020 candidates have quietly sought counsel from Trump’s predecessor, former President Barack Obama. Several have talked with former President Bill Clinton, who left office in 2001. But those huddles have been more hush-hush, disclosed through aides dishing anonymously. Sessions with Carter, on the other hand, are trumpeted on social media and discussed freely, suggesting an appeal that Obama and Clinton may not have.

Unlike Clinton, impeached after an affair with a White House intern, Carter has no (hash)MeToo demerits; he and Rosalynn, married since the end of World War II, didn’t even like to dance with other people at state dinners. And unlike Obama, popular among Democrats but polarizing for conservatives and GOP-leaning independents, Carter is difficult to define by current political fault lines.

Outspoken evangelical Christian

He’s an outspoken evangelical Christian who criticizes Trump’s serial falsehoods, yet praises Trump for attempting a relationship with North Korean leader Kim Jong Un. Carter touts his own personal relationship with Russian President Vladimir Putin, another Trump favorite. “I have his email address,” Carter said last September.

For years, Carter has irked the foreign policy establishment with forthright criticism of Israel and its treatment of Palestinians.

He confirms that he voted for Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders, a democratic socialist, over Hillary Clinton in Georgia’s 2016 presidential primary. In 2017, Carter welcomed Sanders, who’s running again this year, to the Carter Center for a program in which the two men lambasted money in politics. Carter called the United States “an oligarchy.”

Yet Carter has since warned Democrats against “too liberal a program,” lest they ensure Trump’s re-election.

‘Ahead of his time’

Klobuchar credited Carter with being “ahead of his time” on several issues, including the environment and climate change (he put solar panels on the White House), health care (a major step toward universal coverage failed mostly because party liberals though it didn’t go far enough) and government streamlining (an effort that angered some Democrats at the time). But she also alluded to how his presidency ended: a landslide loss after gas lines, inflation-then-unemployment, and a 14-month-long hostage crisis in Iran. “Their administration was not perfect,” she said.

It’s enough of an enigma that Carter is the only living president not to draw Trump’s ire or mockery, even if Republicans have lambasted Carter for decades as a liberal incompetent. Trump and Carter chatted by phone earlier this spring after Carter sent Trump a letter on China and trade. Both men said they had an amiable conversation.

Nonetheless, 2020 candidates cite Carter’s juxtaposition with Trump.

“There was a feeling that people had been betrayed in our democracy by someone who wasn’t telling the truth,” she said, referring to President Richard Nixon’s resignation in 1974.

Buttigieg said he and Carter “talked about being viewed as coming out of nowhere” and how Carter ran two general election campaign entirely on the public financing system that now sits unused as candidates collectively raise money into the billions.

​Klobuchar recalled Carter telling her that “family members would disperse to different states and then they would all come back on Friday, go back through the questions they had gotten.” Then “he would talk about how he would answer them” so they’d all be prepared on their next trips, she said.

It was “a different era,” Klobuchar added, recalling that Carter said he felt “hi-tech because they had a fax machine on his plane.” Indeed, Klobuchar, born in 1960, wasn’t old enough to vote for Carter until he sought a second term. Booker, 50, recalls voting for Carter, but in a grade-school mock election. Buttigieg, 37, wasn’t even born when Carter left office.

Nonetheless, Klobuchar said she regularly meets Iowans who remember Carter and his family members campaigning in 1975 before his rivals and national media recognized his strength, and she said she sometimes references on the campaign trail how her fellow Minnesotan and Carter’s vice president, Walter Mondale, remembers their term: “We obeyed the law. We told the truth. We kept the peace.”

Whatever the reasons for the renewed attention, Carter allies say they hope the 2020 campaign is part of bolstering his reputation as a president.

“People are tired of hearing that he was a better ex-president than president,” said DuBose Porter, a former Georgia Democratic chairman who has known the Carters for decades. “Of course he’s done amazing things at the Carter Center, but he did great things for the country, and we’re proud of it.”

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France’s Macron Forced to Curb his Ambitions for Europe

French President Emmanuel Macron sees himself as Europe’s savior and this week’s European Parliament elections as a make-or-break moment for the beleaguered European Union.

But Macron is no longer the fresh-faced force who marched into a surprising presidential victory to the rousing EU anthem two years ago. His pro-Europe vision has collided with populists and national interests across the continent. And at home, his political vision has given rise to France’s raucous yellow vest uprising over his government’s pro-business policies .


Macron wanted the May 23-26 European Parliament elections to be the key moment that he could push his ambitions for a stronger Europe — but instead, nationalists and populists who criticized the 28-nation bloc could achieve unprecedented success.


They argue that EU leaders have failed to manage migration into the continent and remain out of touch with ordinary workers’ concerns.


“We have a crisis of the European Union. This is a matter of fact. Everywhere in Europe, when you look at the past five to six years, in our country but in a lot of countries, all the extremes, extreme-rights, are increasing,” Macron said Thursday, making an unexpected appeal for European unity on the sidelines of a technology trade show.


“On currency, on digital, on climate action, we need more Europe,” he said. “I want the EU to be more protective of our borders regarding migration, terrorism and so on, but I think if you fragment Europe, there is no chance you have a stronger Europe.”


In person, the 41-year-old Macron comes across as strikingly, sincerely European. A political centrist, he’s at ease quoting Greek playwrights, German thinkers or British economists. France’s youngest president grew up with the EU and has been using the shared European euro currency his whole adult life, and sees it as Europe’s only chance to stay in the global economic game.


Macron has already visited 20 of the EU’s 28 countries in his two years in office, and while he acknowledges the EU’s problems, he wants to fix the bloc — not disassemble it.


Macron won the 2017 presidential election over France’s far-right, anti-immigration party leader Marine Le Pen on a pledge to make Europe stronger to face global competition against the Unites States and China. Since then, he’s had to make compromises with other EU leaders — and clashed with some nations where populist parties govern, from Poland to neighboring Italy.


Four months after his election, Macron outlined his vision for Europe in a sweeping speech at Paris’ Sorbonne university, calling for a joint EU budget, shared military forces and harmonized taxes.


But with Brexit looming and nationalism rising, Macron has had to reconsider his ambitions. He called his political tactics with other EU leaders a “productive confrontation.”


“In Europe, what is expected from France is to clearly say what it wants, its goals, its ambitions, and then be able to build a compromise with Germany to move forward” with other European countries, Macron said last week.


Macron stressed that despite her initial reluctance, German Chancellor Angela Merkel agreed last year to create a eurozone budget they hope will boost investment and provide a safety mechanism for the 19 nations using the euro currency.


In March, Macron sought to draw support for a Europe of “freedom, protection and progress” with a written call to voters in 28 countries to reject nationalist parties that “offer nothing.”


And he proposed to define a roadmap for the EU by the end of this year in a discussion with all member nations and a panel of European citizens.


“There will be disagreement, but is it better to have a static Europe or a Europe that advances, sometimes at different paces, and that is open to all?” he asked.


France and Germany are the two heavyweights in Europe, and Macron can also count on cooperation from pro-European governments of Belgium, The Netherlands, Spain, Portugal and others.


He has made a point, however, of not yet visiting Hungary or Poland, two nations led by populist leaders whom Macron accused last year of “lying” to their people about the EU.


France has also been entangled in a serious diplomatic crisis with Italy over migration into Europe. Italy’s anti-migrant Interior Minister Matteo Salvini has repeatedly criticized Macron and is backing his rival Le Pen’s National Rally party in the election this week that aims to fill the European parliament’s 751 seats.


Macron has little chance to repeat Europe-wide what he did in France: rip up the political map by building a powerful centrist movement that weakened the traditional left and right.


The campaign for Macron’s Republic on the Move party is being led by former European Affairs Minister Nathalie Loiseau under a banner called “Renaissance.” The party wants to associate with the pro-market ALDE alliance to create new centrist group at the European Parliament.


But across the continent, the centrists are not expected to come out remotely on top but rank third or even lower behind the parliament’s traditional two biggest groups, the right-wing European People’s Party and the left-wing Socialists and Democrats group.


Even at home, Macron is far from certain of being able to claim victory in the European vote. Polls suggest his party will be among France’s top two vote-getters in the election, which takes place in France on May 26.

 But its main rival, the far-right National Rally party, is determined to take revenge on Macron beating Le Pen so decisively in 2017.


Macron’s political opponents across the spectrum are calling on French voters to seize the European vote to reject his government’s policies.


While he won 64% of the presidential vote in 2017, French polls show that Macron’s popularity has been around half that for the past year.


It reached record lows when France’s yellow vest movement broke out last fall, demanding relief from high taxes and stagnant wages for French workers, then slightly rose as extensive violence during yellow vest protests, especially in Paris, dampened support for the movement’s cause.


Still, the yellow vests are not going away. New protests against Macron and his government are planned for the EU election day.



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Австрія: президент закликав провести дострокові вибори у вересні

Президент Австрії Александр ван дер Беллен закликав провести дострокові вибори до парламенту у вересні, повідомляє агенція France-Presse 19 травня.

Раніше цього дня ван дер Беллен підтримав дострокові вибори до парламенту після скандалу з участю віце-канцлера Гайнца-Крістіана Штрахе, заявивши, що лише це може врятувати репутацію країни.

Президент 19 травня обговорить наступні кроки з канцлером Австрії Себастьяном Курцем. Сам Курц раніше сказав, що вибори мають відбутися якомога швидше. Крім того, ввечері 18 травня він оголосив про припинення коаліції з ультраправою «Австрійської партією свободи», яку очолює Штрахе.

18 травня віце-канцлер Австрії Гайнц-Крістіан Штрахе оголосив про відставку після того, як медіа оприлюднили запис, на якому він обговорює фінансування з боку нібито російської підприємниці перед виборами до парламенту країни.

Напередодні німецькі газета Süddeutsche Zeitung і журнал Spiegel опублікували відеозапис розмови Штрахе на віллі на Ібіці (Іспанія) в 2017 році. Його співрозмовниця називає себе росіянкою Оленою Макаровою. Вона пропонує Штрахе, який очолює праворадикальну Австрійську партію свободи, фінансову і політичну підтримку на виборах, вимагаючи у відповідь послуги для свого бізнесу.

Згідно із записом, Штрахе обговорює можливість забрати державні замовлення у найбільшої австрійської будівельної компанії Strabag і віддати їх компанії росіянки. За оцінкою видань, жінка, з якою говорив Штрахе, була підставною фігурою. Крім них двох, на віллі був присутній Йоханн Гуденус, який зараз є головою фракції Австрійської партії свободи в нижній палаті Федеральних зборів країни.

Штрахе заявив, що не порушував ніяких законів, а відеозапис зафіксував «незручну п’яну справу». Його зустріч на Ібіці перевірить прокуратура Австрії.

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Swiss Head to Polls to Weigh Tougher Gun Limits

Swiss voters are casting ballots in a referendum to decide whether to enact new restrictions on guns and line up with Switzerland’s partners in the European visa-free travel zone who have already tightened gun rules following extremist attacks in Europe.

The proposal could require regular training on the use of firearms, special waivers for possession of some semi-automatic weapons and serial-numbering of major parts of some guns to help track them.

Supporters, including the Swiss parliament and executive branch, say similar measures adopted by the European Union after deadly extremist attacks in France are needed to ensure strong police cooperation and economic ties with Switzerland’s partners in Europe’s Schengen zone of visa-free travel.

Switzerland is in the Schengen zone but is not one of the EU’s 28 nations.

The issue, part of Switzerland’s regular referendums that give voters a direct say in policymaking, has stoked passions in a country with a proud tradition of gun ownership and sport shooting, and where veterans of obligatory military service for men can take home their service weapons after their tours of duty.

Opponents of the measure insist it will do little to stop terrorism. They say it will crack down mainly on lawful gun owners and ram through what they perceive as the latest diktat from Brussels on the rich Alpine country.

About two-thirds of respondents in recent polls on the issue say they supported the measure.

Switzerland has not faced major extremist attacks like those that have hit France, Belgium, Britain and Germany in recent years, leaving scores dead.

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Michigan GOP Lawmaker: Trump Conduct Is ‘Impeachable’ 

A Republican congressman from Michigan on Saturday became the first member of President Donald Trump’s party on Capitol Hill to accuse him of engaging in “impeachable conduct” as detailed in special counsel Robert Mueller’s lengthy investigation into Russian meddling in the 2016 presidential election. 


But Rep. Justin Amash stopped short of calling on Congress to begin impeachment proceedings against Trump, which many Democrats have been agitating for.  


Often a lone GOP voice in Congress, Amash sent a series of tweets Saturday faulting both Trump and Attorney General William Barr over Mueller’s report. Mueller wrapped up the investigation and submitted his report to Barr in late March. Barr then released a summary of Mueller’s “principal conclusions” and released a redacted version of the report in April. 

​Mueller’s findings


Mueller found the evidence was insufficient to establish a criminal conspiracy between Trump’s presidential campaign and Russia, but he left open the question of  whether Trump acted in ways that were meant to obstruct the investigation. Barr later said there was insufficient evidence to bring obstruction charges against Trump.  


Trump, who has compared the investigation to a “witch hunt,” claimed complete exoneration from Mueller’s report. 


Amash said he reached four conclusions after carefully reading the redacted version of Mueller’s report, including that “President Trump has engaged in impeachable conduct.” 


Contrary to Barr's portrayal, Mueller's report reveals that President Trump engaged in specific actions and a pattern of behavior that meet the threshold for impeachment,'' the congressman tweeted. He said the reportidentifies multiple examples of conduct satisfying all the elements of obstruction of justice, and undoubtedly any person who is not the president of the United States would be indicted based on such evidence.”  


The Justice Department, which Barr leads, operates under guidelines that discourage the indictment of a sitting president.  


A representative for Amash did not immediately respond to an email request to speak with the congressman. 

‘Case closed’


Trump and Republican lawmakers generally view the matter as “case closed,” as Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, R-Ky., recently declared on the floor of the Senate.  


On the other hand, Democrats who control the House are locked in a bitter standoff with the White House as it ignores lawmakers’ requests for the more complete version of Mueller’s report, the underlying evidence and witness testimony. Some Democrats want the House to open impeachment hearings, but Speaker Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif., has resisted, saying impeachment must be bipartisan.  

Rep. Rashida Tlaib, D-Mich., a freshman who opened her term by profanely calling for Trump to be impeached, applauded Amash.  


“You are putting country first, and that is to be commended,” Tlaib tweeted. 

Tlaib is seeking support for a resolution she’s circulating calling on the House to start impeachment proceedings. 

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Huawei Founder Sees Little Effect From US Sanctions

Huawei Technologies’ founder and chief executive said Saturday that the growth of the Chinese tech giant “may slow, but only slightly,” because of recent U.S. restrictions.  


In remarks to the Japanese press and reported by Nikkei Asian Review, Ren Zhengfei reiterated that the Chinese telecom equipment maker had not violated any law. 

“It is expected that Huawei’s growth may slow, but only slightly,” Ren said in his first official comments after the U.S. restrictions, adding that the company’s annual revenue growth might undershoot 20%.  


On Thursday, Washington put Huawei, one of China’s biggest and most successful companies, on a trade blacklist that could make it extremely difficult for Huawei to do business with U.S. companies. China slammed the decision, saying it would take steps to protect its companies. 

Trade, security issues


The developments surrounding Huawei come at a time of trade tensions between Washington and Beijing and amid concerns from the United States that Huawei’s smartphones and network equipment could be used by China to spy on Americans, allegations the company has repeatedly denied. 


A similar U.S. ban on China’s ZTE Corp. had almost crippled business for the smaller Huawei rival early last year before the curb was lifted. 


The U.S. Commerce Department said Friday that it might soon scale back restrictions on Huawei. 


Ren said the company was prepared for such a step and that Huawei would be “fine” even if U.S. smartphone chipmaker Qualcomm Inc. and other American suppliers would not sell chips to the company. 


Huawei’s chip arm HiSilicon said Friday that it had long been prepared for the possibility of being denied U.S. chips and technology, and that it was able to ensure a steady supply of most products. 


The Huawei founder said that the company would not be taking instructions from the U.S. government. 


“We will not change our management at the request of the U.S. or accept monitoring, as ZTE has done,” he said.

In January, U.S. prosecutors unsealed an indictment accusing the Chinese company of engaging in bank fraud to obtain embargoed U.S. goods and services in Iran and to move money out of the country via the international banking system. 


Ren’s daughter, Huawei Chief Financial Officer Meng Wanzhou, was arrested in Canada in December in connection with the indictment. Meng, who was released on bail, remains in Vancouver and is fighting extradition. She has maintained her innocence.  


Ren has previously said his daughter’s arrest was politically motivated.

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Report: Trump May Pardon Some Linked to War Crimes

U.S. President Donald Trump has asked for files to be prepared on pardoning several U.S. military members accused of or convicted of war crimes, including one slated to stand trial on charges of shooting unarmed civilians while in Iraq, The New York Times reported Saturday. 

Trump requested the immediate preparation of paperwork needed, indicating he is considering pardons for the men around Memorial Day on May 27, the report said, citing two unnamed U.S. officials.

Assembling pardon files normally takes months, but the Justice Department has pressed for the work to be completed before that holiday weekend, one of the officials said. 

One request is for Special Operations Chief Edward Gallagher of the Navy SEALs, scheduled to stand trial in coming weeks on charges of shooting unarmed civilians and killing an enemy captive with a knife while deployed in Iraq. 

Also believed to be included is the case of Maj. Mathew Golsteyn, an Army Green Beret accused of killing an unarmed Afghan in 2010, the Times said.

Reuters could not immediately identify a way to contact Gallagher or Golsteyn. 

The newspaper reported that the cases of other men are believed to be included in the paperwork, without naming them. 

The Department of Justice declined to comment on the report, while the White House did not immediately respond to a request for comment. 

Legal experts cited in the report said that pardoning several alleged or convicted war criminals, including some who have not yet gone to trial, has not been done in recent history, and some worried such pardons could erode the legitimacy of military law. 

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